Some residents of Mile 2 and 3 Diobu, Port Harcourt have accused PortHarcourt Electricity Distribution Company,PHEDC; of extortion due to high estimated bills given to them.
One of the resident David Ordu said the bill brought by the distribution company was outrageous and if the company fails to review their recent policy of disconnecting residents who pay more than half of the huge estimated bill in the guise of underpayment, residents will take legal action against the company.
Another resident Mrs Pere Ebiwei who spoke to our Correspondent said they do not understand what PHED meant by underpayment as the energy customers hardly see power supply.
Mrs Ebiwei hinted that the area is considering peaceful protest to the headquarters of PHED at Moscow road to insist on provision of prepaid meter by PHED to the energy customers as a means of eradicating the estimated and over billing by the company.
She accused PHED of deliberately refusing to provide prepaid meters for residents despite several enumeration exercise done in the area.
Our correspondent who monitored development in the area reports that PHED came with good numbers of Policemen to disconnect light,including light of compounds that have paid more than half of the estimated bill .
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